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A B O U T  U S

"Dejima Studios is the gateway to another world"

Dejima was a small artificial island off the coast of Nagasaki, Japan. The island was constructed by the Tokugawa Shogunate, and during the 17th and 18th centuries Dejima was the only Japanese territory open to Westerners, at that time it was truly the gateway to another world.


Dejima Studios is a new video games studio creating compelling strategy and management games with a focus on intelligent and innovative game experiences.


Dejima Studios core values are:

  • Creating value. Developing games that provide immersive and replayable experiences.

  • Thinking globally. Everywhere on this planet are people who make and play games.

  • Respect. Respecting our partners, players and communities, communicating honestly.

  • Every voice matters. Everyone in our community is encouraged to speak up, and to listen.

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